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Oracle Philippines

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Oracle Philippines

9.7 rating for Recruitment, based on 9 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Smooth! The recruitment team is very hands-on.
Graduate, Makati - 10 Nov 2023
Fast, friendly, persuasive
Graduate, Manila - 10 Nov 2023
I appreciate the interview process, it was smooth and I felt like I just had to be myself.
Graduate, Makati - 06 Nov 2023
Hiring was so easy and smooth with Oracle.
Graduate, Makati - 05 Nov 2023
Fair and makes use of skills learned during college.
Graduate, Makati - 27 Oct 2023
I went through a very thorough and meticulous (if I should say) hiring process, and I won't have it any other way. I think it goes both ways for the company and the applicant, giving the right amount of expectation. We started with an online assessment to an almost 7-hour Superday interview that consisted of behavioral, technical, and case study assessments. As an applicant, it gave me an assurance that the people I'll be working with are competent and really knowledgeable about our profession, as well as confidence that if I would have the opportunity to work here I know that I am fit for the job.
Graduate, Manila - 25 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Asked about my resume, had a technical interview, questions there weren't hard.
Graduate, Manila - 10 Nov 2023
I was asked how do you overcome adversity in a new environment. I was asked what my strengths are. I was asked what is my most treasured achievement.
Graduate, Makati - 06 Nov 2023
Mostly about technical questions such as different things I know about programming, things I use with software development, and most of the part, I was asked about SQL and data management tools I use or familiar with.
Graduate, Makati - 05 Nov 2023
Technical questions, personality questions, hobbies etc.
Graduate, Makati - 27 Oct 2023
They mostly asked about my hard and soft skills and my experiences in and out of campus that relate to my skills. They also asked about the challenging situations I have experienced and how I handled them.
Graduate, Manila - 25 Oct 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
If you can get past the technical interview and you're a good / kind person, you should be set
Graduate, Manila - 10 Nov 2023
I recommend using the STAR or PREP method when answering questions. Be proactive in listening to the concern. Recall prior experiences that are relevant to the job description.
Graduate, Makati - 06 Nov 2023
My advise is to master at least one programming language, familiarize themselves with SQL, immerse themselves with software development if they want my job speci?cally this is crucial, and lastly, good communication and con?dence is key.
Graduate, Makati - 05 Nov 2023
Brush up on Java and SQL, and be honest.
Graduate, Makati - 27 Oct 2023
I would advise them to study the position they are applying for and focus on the skills that are indicated under that job. It is best to practice those skills and research about Oracle. They can also do research on the common interview questions and try to practice answering them because communication skills are vital.
Graduate, Manila - 25 Oct 2023